Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Monday Mourning

Monday Kate had the D&C procedure in the morning and was back home by the afternoon. She is one tough cookie that girl. Tougher then I am, but then you all knew that already. We got to the hospital at 9 for the procedure that was scheduled for 10. They had to draw some blood and set up an IV. While they were trying to get that going I started to turn green and was on the verge of passing out when the nurse asked me to leave. I was worrying Kate to much for her to relax. Good times! I am too much of a distraction for my wife cause I am such a sissy I can't sit and hold her hand while they prep her for surgery. I went and got some water and tried to stop sweating like G Dub at a spelling bee. After about twenty minutes the nurse came back out to get me to see Kate before she went under. I got up real quick and spilled my water on my pants so when I stood up it looked like I wet my self. Freaking Phenomenal. The nurse looked at my pants and then back up at me with pure pity in her eyes.

Waiting for the procedure to finish and Kate to wake up was a horrible time for me. I strongly dislike hospitals and I strongly dislike my beautiful wife going through all this. She on the other hand sailed through it like a champ. Poised, strong, and a good sense of humor. She needs that with me, I'm a walking train wreck!


Anonymous said...

Oh James the third, don't you know you are stronge in other ways? You are strong in your love for Kate. You are strong in your faith. You are strong in your morals. You are truly a strong man with a low tolerance to the hospital thing, that is inherited from your father. Just like the things you are strong in.