Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Travel buddies

While driving to Louisville, Chicago, and back I was happy to have a couple travel buddies along the way. You know those cars that take off with you a little faster the Roscoe P Coltrain allows. Some how you all feel better in the group thinking that the Po-po can't pull all of you over. Going to Louisville I had Red cavalier and black Escalade as travel buddies and we took turns leading the way. Come back from Chicago I had Blue VW Golf, and Brown mini Van and Brown mini van and I waved good bye when we parted ways. Does anyone else notice these clicks that form on the road trips? I love travel Buddies!


Anonymous said...

People are going to have to brush up on their driving skills before they will EVER be my travel buddies. I would just appreciate it if they would all pull into the slow lane when they see me coming. Just ask Debbie.