Monday, April 04, 2005


The last two weekends have been a great time of family, friends, and food for Kate and I as we spent time in Arizona two weekends ago, and time up in Cicero last weekend. We flew into Phoinex on Thursday afternoon with a slight 3 hour lay over in LA and seperate seats for Kate and I on the connecting flight. I tell you our travel agent sucks. I would be giving them a piece of my mind, if I only had any to spare, or if it wasn't my mom, or if the tickets weren't free. But if not for those things I would really be upset. Once we got to AZ Mark and I picked up a 24 foot moving truck and head down the dusty desert road to San Diego to get his furniture. Nothing makes you forget 6 hours of flying like 8 hours of driving in moving truck on a windy highway, good times! Once the traveling was done and the house was moved into, Mark's house by the way, the one he owns now, the one my little brother and his lovely wife bought and they now own. Did I mention my little brother Mark owns a home. I am so stoked for him and Kendra. Anyway after that was all done the full court press was applied to Kate and I on the joys and benefits of living in AZ. We were shown the homes and schools, we were shown the community of friends and family, we were taken to church on Easter Sunday and played in the park with the rest of the adorable kids that would play with our adorable kids if we so decided. We were treated to Melissa's Desert and Jenny's charm. We played golf with Kyle and Chuck, and basketball with Aaron and Josh. We shopped, explored, ate, and soaked in the sun after a long winter in the midwest. It was everything we were looking for but, sadly, not what we wanted. We came back home exhuasted and happy, still not knowing where we were going to end up, but having a better picture of what we were looking for.