Saturday, April 09, 2005

Junk or great deal, only time will tell!

Kate and I spent a wonderful morning hitting some of the finest garages in the Marion and Hamilton county. We got up early and met Kris and Heather for coffee before attempting to make a dent in our baby gear needs. The first place we came to looked a bit suspicious. It was an elderly couple that looked like they knocked over a truck on it's way to the dollar store and were fencing the items in their driveway. I'm sure it was all on the up and up but there is a story there and I'm dying to hear it. We moved on to more traditional faire with the exception of the Red Flyer wagon full of 1970's porn. "Yeah I'll take this broken drill, two shirts, and how much for the 1/2 ton of porn in the wagon there?" Kris was at the helm of the S.S. Dealmoblie and she was manuvering through the neighborhoods like a young Dale Earndhart. We meandered through devolpments looking for signs and watching for old ladies on tricycles and when all was said and done we came home with a stroller-car seat, a deluxe leather high chair, a baby swing made by those negligent baby tortures Greco, a diper genie, a baby catapult, a mobile that plays Motzart-Beethoven-Bach-DMX, and a bag of golf clubs all for about $50. To quote Ice Cube, "I'd have to say it was a good day!"


Anonymous said...

Stop, stop! Don't BUY anything else!!! For your first baby, people buy it FOR you—as shower gifts and such. Grandparents are especially good for the "big" stuff. They like to—it's part of the experience. Also, make sure the car seat you bought hasn't been recalled. You can have it installed at the Washington Twp fire dept and they will check for you. We had a hand-me-down one that had been recalled. Congratulations! (I work with Kate at IM, BTW.)

Anonymous said...

Yes, by all means stop buying things. Wait until this summer when you Aunt Jamie can't stand it anymore and she has to come and visit. I'm sure she will want to take Kate shopping...

I'm pretty sure I will HAVE to come this summer, I just don't know when. jamie