Thursday, January 26, 2006

Recent Reads

I have been reading this book on the CIA that I heard about while in Oregon at our friend Pete's house. The book is called The Secret History of The CIA and it is very well written and very interesting but it is hard to keep up with who is good and who is bad. I am not sure if it is me but it reads like an overview of a season of Alias. Either Alias did a great job of telling their story or I am projecting that on the book because I liked the show so much. Either way I have been enjoying the book and I am a little sad that it is coming to an end. There is something about cloak and dagger spy stuff that is just so cool for guys. My buddy Kyle wants to have spy stuff in his house like a retina scan to get in or books with hidden compartments to hide stuff, or the kicker, to have a wall that moves when you lift a certain book. He talks about getting this stuff and it is not casual joking. He will have these things as part of his house within the next 5 years I'm sure.