Thursday, February 09, 2006


This past weekend Kate and I had the pleasure of entertaining our good friends Jesse and Carly. We were excited to have them come to get a chance to catch up with them and to show them the little gems we have found in the circle city. We got hot chocolate on the circle, bought music on Mass Ave., and even walked through the snow to Bud’s for a bad avocado and some milk. I feel like they got a good feel for our city and I got to spend some time my favorite person, not named Rohl, in the world. Thanks for coming kids, I hope you had a good time and look forward to the future visits.


Anonymous said...

I love all the new photo's. The house is beautiful with all the colors and the lay of the accessories in all the rooms. Kate, you sooo pregnant homemaker, are quite the domestic young artistic lady as can be seen through-out your home. Nice job! Thanks Carly for the up to date snipits of the home at Woodlawn. One more thing, I did'nt see Mans best friend in any of the scenes. The baby is'nt even here yet give the dog her due..